The Kevin Rohan Memorial Eco Foundation
Directions from Kathmandu
By taxi:
Many people do not know Khahare, but the nearby village Taudaha is well known. A taxi from Kathmandu should cost approximately 1300 rupees, once you reach Taudaha ask the taxi to continue onward, you will go over a bridge while turning left, and you will now be in Khahare. Get dropped off at the only intersection in Khahare, where one road goes right.
By bus:
From Ratna Park, find the bus that goes toward Dakshinkali. The bus is usually in the middle of the bus park, and to the edge. If you ask "Dakshinkali" or "Taudaha" to people on the bus, they will either confirm "yes" or they may point you to the correct bus (ask there again, to make sure. Many people do not know Khahare). After approximately a 40 minute bus ride, you will reach Khahare, just a few minutes after Taudaha Lake and around a tight turn over a bridge. Get off in Khahare and walk up the nearby road that goes off the main road, the KRMEF is straight ahead and to the left.