The Kevin Rohan Memorial Eco Foundation
Medical Clinic
Medical Clinic
Medical Clinic
A low-cost health clinic was among the first programs developed at KRMEF. It is founded on the principle that one must first give back to the community before being received by them. Medical care is a luxury many villagers and members of the nearby community cannot afford, so KRMEF has created this program to serve the health needs of the less fortunate. We have employed a full-time nurse and a Physician that comes in twice a week. We are in the process of securing funding for a Pediatrician, Gynecologist, and other specialists to work once a week as well. KRMEF now can afford a doctor, health care personel round the clock.
During its years of operation, the clinic has served as a great developmental tool for the community. All the patients are provided with a medical file in return for a very small fee. This is important so that they feel a sense of responsibility for the clinic and do not take medical care for granted. It is well-received by everyone and has enriched so many lives.
Health Camps
Since March 2016, the foundation has provided health camps and informative briefs in Kathmandu and the village of Dhading. It has reached over 1,000 people with health tests, treatment, and healthy living expositions.
Looking Ahead
Although the clinic has begun to offer pathogenic and blood services, it hopes to expand to provide lab services on site. It currently takes the samples to a hospital which takes extra time and resources to get back the results. Recent donations from friends and supporters have increased the number of patients treated at the clinic, showing a glimpse of the potential in coming years.
Join Us
Interested in volunteering or interning with our health clinic? Learn more here!
Your donation to our health clinic provides critical healthcare access to members of both our community and neighboring villages. Donate today!